Stein Valley Hikes

I’ve hiked up the Stein valley near Lytton 3 times now.  It’s usually a spring warmup, because it’s too hot in the summer and the snow is gone earlier here because of the low elevation.

The first time was back in April 2003.  I went with my brother Jeff & Karis as well as Chris, Stephen and Rachelle.  We went all the way to the first bridge (used to be a cable car but a brand new bridge had just been put in).  That was the 13.5 km point.  We camped there and headed back the next day.  I was a long hard hike for Rachelle and I and we were way behind by the end of day!

In May 2007 and then May 2008, Chris, Tena and me hiked in, but not nearly as far!  All the pictures here are from those two trips.  I don’t have the film scanned for the first hike.

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